I like travel books with a literary bent, so these are not travel guides but beautifully written books about places that put me in the mood of wherever I’m going. I also like to read novels by authors from the countries I’m traveling to: E.M. Forster in England, Gustave Flaubert in France, Kiran Desai or Salman Rushdie in India, Javier Marias in Spain, Oscar Hijuelos in Cuba.
1.Paul Theroux: The Great Railway Bazaar, Riding the Iron Rooster

2.Jan Morris: Venice

3.Bruce Chatwin: In Patagonia
4.Colin Thurbon: Among the Russians
5.Cheryl Strayed: Wild
6.Jon Krakuer: Into Thin Air
7.Bill Bryson: A Walk in the Woods, In a Sunburned Country
8.Orhan Pamuk: Istanbul
9.Stephen Kinzer: The Crescent and the Star
I'm listing nine authors here -- who would YOU choose for a tenth? Send in your favorite to:
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