Today (April 23) is Israel's 67th Independence Day. The whole country celebrated the establishment of Jewish State.

We began this windy day by going to Jaffa and exploring artistry in a neighborhood where most of the shops were closed due to the country's celebration. We visited an interesting statue of Faith on top of the hill. This statue symbolizes that Jews own Jaffa and that angels are messengers from G-d. This also represents when Jews settled into Jaffa, their purpose was to built and not to destroy and most importantly to spread the Hebrew culture.

Our next stop was at Independence Day Hall in Tel Aviv. This part of the day was emotional, especially when the tour guide from the Hall played Ben Gurion's speech of Israel's Declaration of Independence which was then followed by Hatikvah.
Evening time approached and we all gathered in our hotel to share our final thoughts. There were laughs, there were tears but overall, as our guide Jeremy said, "The creation of moments: this is what it's all about." I honestly can say that this trip had a great impact on me and I will never forget this experience.
I don't think that this is my last day; this is just the beginning. One day, I hope to bring my family here so they can experience all of the things and emotions that I experienced these past 10 days.
L'chaim and toda roba to all who were involved in making this an incredible journey!
Feature image of the Mediterranean at the beach in Tel Aviv,by Alexa Hayes.